Who am I in Christ?
Objectives of the Lesson
At the end of this Lesson, the participant will:
- Recognise the work Jesus Christ Did to make us Children of God.
- Be able to explain our identity in Christ and the responsibility.
- Take a firm decision to live a life worthy of the identity through the Help of the Holy Spirit.
A careful study for Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs reveals that knowing who we are, and our place is very important in our lives and function as human beings. The concept of identity has been debated in fields of study which involves the social sciences because it has been realised that this knowledge and understanding plays a major role in human behaviour and achievement.
The very first study in this series is therefore aimed at not only making us recognise our identity as individuals, but to go beyond that to identify our identity also as spiritual beings, knowing who we belong to and therefore where we go after our life on this Earth Ends.
The mission of Jesus Christ was to give us an identity as Children of God (Galatians 3:26), not through the Will of man, but the will of God Father (John 1:13). When He said, “It is Finished” (John 19:30), this mission was accomplished. Now we can be called legitimate children of God because we have been bought by the blood of Jesus Christ through His Sacrifice on the Cross (Galatians 3:13).
The Bible therefore calls us Heirs of God and Co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17). This was an act of God, so we do not need any Human Approval to Claim this. Paul writes that when He (God) called us, He Justified us, and Will also Glorify us fully at the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 8:30).
If this was a human arrangement, there will be human conditions attached which cannot even be trusted. As this is an arrangement from God, it can be Trusted because God Is Not a man that He should Lie of Change His Mind (Numbers 23:19). God is not shamed to call is His Children, so our spirits agree with His Spirit in Calling Him “Abba” (Romans 8:15).
We were once not a people, but now we are a people and have received mercy from God (1 Peter 2:10). We are therefore made aware that nothing can separate us from the love of God through Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:33-39).
Main Message: You are a Christian, bought by the blood of Jesus Christ through His Sacrifice on the cross.
After reading the information and watching the video, go to the quiz for this topic and check your understanding and newly found knowledge
Now go to the Puzzle to have some brain excercise to make you grounded in this topic. when you are not sure about anything, come back to the text or rewatch the video as a reminder.
- What does it mean to be Children of God according to Galatians 3:26?
- How does knowing that it is the Will of God for us to become His children, according to John 1:13 contribute to our identity in Christ?
- How should we live our lives, knowing we are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, according to Romans 8:17?
- We are a people belonging to God (1 Peter 2:10). Does it make us better than all humans or place us in a position of responsibility?